Thursday, November 15, 2018

A Must See Tropical Australian Destination: Whitsunday Islands

Absolute bliss. That’s what comes to mind when I reflect on my short trip to the Whitsunday Islands. A last-minute trip left me absolutely speechless at the pure beauty that engulfs the beaches and ocean found there. Whether you’re sailing the islands with a couple of friends on the attention-grabbing purple catamaran, Camira. Running around on the whitest sand you’ve ever seen and jumping into the most crystal clear ocean water you’ve laid eyes on at Whitehaven beach. Or diving in the Great Barrier Reef among the inspiration for every child’s favorite Pixar movie, Finding Nemo. This Australian destination must for all travelers. 

The Hill Inlet lookout provides you with the most stunning views of the swirling white sands.

The best way to experience the full beauty of these islands is through booking a full day boat trip at Crusie Whitsunday's.

The serene views from the Ailie Lagoon 

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

A Trip of a Lifetime: Mid-Semester Break in New Zealand

After two full months in the vibrant city of Sydney, it was time to trade the buzzing city for the scenic outdoors and head to New Zealand for 10 days. Exploring the South Island truly felt like an out of body experience because the terrain is so enchanting. While looking out the car window I could see a glacier, mountains, rolling green hills, a rainforest, and a farm all in the same glance. New Zealand is unlike any place on Earth and it should be at the top of everyone's bucket list because of these views:

Over the span of 10 days, there was a lot of time spent in the car but with views like these nobody was complaining.

This is the most photographed tree in the world which resides in Lake Wanaka. Glad I got the chance to contribute to its fame!
A different view of Lake Wanaka during the warm sorbet sunset.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Finding Peace Through an Australian Sunrise

Most people view studying abroad as an extended vacation, a bunch of college kids traveling for a semester, seeing amazing sights, making the best memories. But during my first few weeks, I have learned that most people studying abroad are here for a reason. It’s not just an entertaining trip, everyone here is searching for more than just a good time. From people who had rough years, to people who fell out of friendships, suffered health complications, lost themselves, or simply just trying to figure out life: everyone came here for a piece of peace.

Byron Bay Lighthouse at dawn.

One morning in the vibrant Byron Bay during the ISA Orientation, we woke up at 5:00 am packed into some hippie van and drove out to a lighthouse up the coast to watch the sunrise. Little did I know this would be one of my most beautiful memories of my time in Australia.

Byron Bay Lighthouse standing alone on the cliff.