About Me

Well look at that, you stumbled upon my personal blog. You probably know me already if you're here but in case you don't,

Hello, my name is Delaney. I am 21 years old and currently attending Ole Miss in Mississippi where I'm majoring in Marketing and Public Relations. However, my true home is Texas and I will always make that known. Texans are pretty extra, obnoxious, proud (whatever you want to call it) people if you weren't aware, but you probably were ;-)


This blog doesn't contain much, really just some of my thoughts, rants, and emotions over the last four years. Never consistent, just a dump ground for me to express what's on my mind. I'd describe it as quite personal, but not private.

Maybe that makes me too open, or basic, or blunt? But after these past four years... I don't really care. It's about time for people to be honest and discuss stuff with the world, express their feelings and concerns, maybe just find someone you can relate to - it really doesn't matter.

What does matter is doing what makes YOU happy. Whether that's speaking into a void, having a hobby, working out, photography, hanging out with friends and family, being a dog mom, WHATEVER. It doesn't matter as long as you are living your life for you, not someone else, and being authentic and proud of yourself.

That is why I am here, this is one of the many little things that is fun to me and makes me happy. So thanks for stopping by!

XOXO - Del

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