Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Finding Peace Through an Australian Sunrise

Most people view studying abroad as an extended vacation, a bunch of college kids traveling for a semester, seeing amazing sights, making the best memories. But during my first few weeks, I have learned that most people studying abroad are here for a reason. It’s not just an entertaining trip, everyone here is searching for more than just a good time. From people who had rough years, to people who fell out of friendships, suffered health complications, lost themselves, or simply just trying to figure out life: everyone came here for a piece of peace.

Byron Bay Lighthouse at dawn.

One morning in the vibrant Byron Bay during the ISA Orientation, we woke up at 5:00 am packed into some hippie van and drove out to a lighthouse up the coast to watch the sunrise. Little did I know this would be one of my most beautiful memories of my time in Australia.

Byron Bay Lighthouse standing alone on the cliff.