Saturday, July 2, 2016

How To Make the Most of the Summer Before College

Senior year of high school was probably the busiest time of your life so far. Once June rolls around all anyone wants to do is relax, but once July sneaks up it's already time to start packing up the last eighteen years of your life and move on to the next stage of your life - college.

Here are thirteen tips on how to make the most of the summer before you head off to college!

1. don't sleep in until noon EVERYDAY

Sleeping is probably one of God's greatest gifts; however, sleeping until noon everyday wastes too much time when you're counting down the days. So try to start waking up a bit earlier everyday and do something productive!

2. go on a family vacation

This summer I had the chance to go to Cancun with my family for a week. Most likely you won't be at the beach at school and family time is important when you're finally moving out after eighteen years. Think of it as a last hoorah or something!

3. make a day trip to a local outdoor attraction with friends

Spontaneous trips with friends make for the best memories. Research some nearby area's that none of y'all have been to. My friends and I went to a state park where we float the river, had a picnic, and hiked trails. It's an inexpensive way to do something new and spend time together before you go your separate ways!

4. spend time with your pets

I don't know about you but I think I'll miss my dog more than my parents sometimes. Sadly they're no pets at college so make sure you tell yours how much you love them, take them on walks, and play with them as much as you can. My worst fear is my puppy forgetting about me! :(

5. start something new

What have you always thought about doing but never followed through? Photography? Yoga? Youtube channel? Singing? Journaling? Making an Etsy account? Running? Playing an instrument? Well now is the time to start. You are no longer surrounded by your high school peers and you are about to be able to make a new name for yourself at college. So take a chance and step out of your comfort zone, high school is over nobody cares!

6. clean out your closet

Okay this one might not be super fun or memorable but it is NECESSARY. Soon you will be packing up your belongings and moving into a shared room that is the size of a shoe-box. That shirt from freshman year that is a little snug? Try selling it to Plato's Closet, and if they don't want it then you can always donate it to Goodwill!

7. try out that restaurant that you're curious about

You know that odd restaurant that you always drive past in your car but have never ate at? Maybe you've seen it as a location on instagrm. Well grab a friend and go check it out!

8. explore your own city 

My friends and I love to go explore Dallas. There is tons to do and so many places to visit. If you live near a city go yelp some cool places to go and make a day out of it. You'll probably come out with some nice photos for your insta!

9. make a DIY craft for your dorm

Every girl wants their dorm room to be cute, look up some idea's on Pinterest and stop by Hobby Lobby and get to work. Might even be a fun idea to invite your roomie and make matching decor together!

10. attend a concert

Concerts are truly my favorite pastime. Create a Bands in Town account and see if anyone you like is touring by you this summer. Or even find a new smaller band at a House of Blue's or another local venue!

11. visit your favor restaurant as much as possible

Guys this is SO important. Growing up in Texas was a privilege because we truly have some of the best food here. Every time I think about moving to Mississippi for college I cry a little because I have to leave Tex Mex. My personal favorite restaurant is Chuys!

12. connect with your roomie

If you are rooming with a stranger in college that lives a drivable distance from you then you should plan to get lunch or go dorm shopping together! The more you connect with your roomie before move in the less awkward that first week will be and you'll be a step closer to become great friends!

13. work out

In my opinion, the summer before college is a great time to create frequent work out habits and even try eating healthier. Nobody wants to gain the Freshman Fifteen!

Whatever you chose to do make sure it's memorable, you're going to want as many good memories in the place you grew up before you start the next chapter of your life in a foreign place

xo - Delaney

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